Using AA Draw

AA Draw is designed to be very similar to Pygame, so your code can be easily reused.

Below, you can find documentation for each draw function currently available.


circle(surface, color, loc, radius, border)

param surface

The Pygame surface to draw on.

param color

RGB or RGBA color of the circle.

param loc

(x, y) location of the center.

param border

Border thickness in pixels. Extends inwards.



Draws an antialiased circle.



rect(surface, color, dims, border, border_radius, border_top_left_radius, border_top_right_radius, border_bottom_left_radius, border_bottom_right_radius)

param surface

The Pygame surface to draw on.

param color

RGB or RGBA color of the circle.

param dims

(x, y, w, h) dimensions of the rectangle.

param border

Border thickness in pixels. Extends inwards.

param border_radius

Rounding radius for each corner.

param border_top_left_radius

Radius of corresponding corner.

param border_top_right_radius

Radius of corresponding corner.

param border_bottom_left_radius

Radius of corresponding corner.

param border_bottom_right_radius

Radius of corresponding corner.